Service & Performance :
let's boost your working methods!

How can we help you?

You are a
a coworking professional

You are a
a landlord

You are a
corporate client

Are you looking for personalised support for yourself or your teams?

REAAS expertise


Supporting your projects at every stage


Build and analyse your business model to improve your profitability


Optimise your spaces and deploy your new collaborative working methods


Define your service offering and understand your customers' needs


Develop your skills and those of your staff.

Advice, support, finding solutions... This is the time to talk freely about your project and to meet the REAAS Expertise teams. This first meeting, which is free and confidential, is surely the best way to make your project of today your success of tomorrow!

Our mission: to support coworkers, landlords and managers in their development strategy.

REAAS Expertise

You are a

Coworking professional

Improve your profitability
Make every space a source of income and well-being.

From the very beginning of your project, our teams participate in the optimisation of your business plans and their implementation. With an essential strength: a perfect knowledge of the sector's values and opportunities.

Develop your offer and your network
Think big for your future!

What services should be offered? At what price? Is it relevant to develop a network? In which cities? By what date? These are just some of the questions that our teams will help you to think about in order to set up a coherent offer.

Optimising space
You share more than just an office.

But how do you organise it? What is the best way to make it profitable and to keep your teams and customers loyal? What services should you offer? To which clients? For what price? REAAS Expertise can help you answer these questions by redefining and optimising your work spaces.

Structuring your processes
Let's organise the success of your model together.

To deploy a network, it is essential to think about your sales and management processes from the outset. Based on your specifications, we helpyou define and implement these processes with your teams.

Supporting your operational and sales teams
Aim for excellence.

Your teams are the showcase of your services and your commitment. Improving their skills means optimising their ability to distribute your offer and enhance its value.

Optimising space
You share more than just an office.

But how do you organise it? What is the best way to make it profitable and to keep your teams and customers loyal? What services should you offer? To which clients? For what price? REAAS Expertise can help you answer these questions by redefining and optimising your work spaces.

Structuring your processes
Let's organise the success of your model together.

To deploy a network, it is essential to think about your sales and management processes from the outset. Based on your specifications, we helpyou define and implement these processes with your teams.

Supporting your operational and sales teams
Aim for excellence.

Your teams are the showcase of your services and your commitment. Improving their skills means optimising their ability to distribute your offer and enhance its value.

Coworking professional
Coworking professional
Coworking professional

Creating friendly and collaborative spaces
Sharing... For better renting.

Increase the attractiveness of your buildings to prospective tenants by creating shared spaces that promote collaboration, collective performance and well-being. Differentiate yourself by providing not only square metres, but above all a real experience for your users.

Retain your tenants by giving them the flexibility they need
The best way to keep your customers for a long time.

Did you know that by bringing a flexible offer into your building (business centre, coworking space, ...) you will significantly increase the duration of the leases? Simply because you will offer your tenants the possibility to expand by taking on a few extra workstations when they need them. Why consider moving if the solution exists on site?

You are a


Enhance the attractiveness of your buildings by providing service
It's time to respond to today's desires!

Today, users who want to come to the office are looking for more than just a place to work. They are looking for comfort and services. Deploying a collaborative workspace in your building is now a real asset, just like a restaurant or a company concierge service. REAAS Expertise is here to help you think about and set up this space that will add value to your asset.

Creating friendly and collaborative spaces
Sharing... For better renting.

Increase the attractiveness of your buildings to prospective tenants by creating shared spaces that promote collaboration, collective performance and well-being. Differentiate yourself by providing not only square metres, but above all a real experience for your users.

Retain your tenants by giving them the flexibility they need
The best way to keep your customers for a long time.

Did you know that by bringing a flexible offer into your building (business centre, coworking space, ...) you will significantly increase the duration of the leases? Simply because you will offer your tenants the possibility to expand by taking on a few extra workstations when they need them. Why consider moving if the solution exists on site?

You are a corporate client
You are a corporate client
You are a corporate client

You are a

Corporate Client

Strengthen the motivation and comfort of your teams
What if well-being was the key to performance?

How can you make your spaces more efficient by encouraging collaboration? How can you improve the well-being and experience of your customers and teams?
REAAS Expertise is there to support you at every stage.

Rethinking mobility
To attract new audiences.

Makemobility part of your real estate strategy: flex-office, coworking, home-office, all indispensable complements to your traditional offices. This is a major asset that will enable you to attract new talent and retain your employees.

Lower your property costs
Spend less... to earn more!

Because new ways of working are thought of in terms of cost per person or per project, and no longer in terms of fixed real estate costs, REAAS Expertise can help you rethink and renegotiate your leases and real estate costs.

You are looking for

Personalized support for you or your teams?

Executive coaching
The keys to success.

Personalized support to help you identify and implement the means necessary to achieve your goals.

An expert approach to working better together.

REAAS Expertise uses HBDI® tools to create individual profiles, team profiles and to improve interpersonal communication. In order to work better together, you want to understand your thinking preferences? The way your team thinks? Your clients? Your colleagues? Contact us for more details.

Increasing the competence of the teams.
For a winning team.

Audits, workshops, coaching. REAAS Expertise provides your teams with the tools they need to develop their skills and grow.

Personalized support for you or your teams?

We're talking about it!

The workspace revolution.

Coworking is dead, long live coworking!

Coworking is dead, long live coworking!

Coworking, sometimes adored, sometimes decried, seems to be caught in headwinds. Summer 2019, the WeWork saga made the headlines in the business press with its failed IPO revealing losses equivalent to its turnover. Since then, the Covid-19 health crisis has come and gone, along with the massive discovery of telecommuting, and professionals are wondering: are coworking spaces, which promised to revolutionise working habits, actually set to disappear quickly? Or are they the future and the natural evolution of the office, combining services, flexibility, eco-responsibility and a tailor-made approach?

Rethinking the working environment to adapt to new uses

The world of work has undergone profound changes in recent years, which have been further accelerated during the health crisis. The traditional working environment we have known is shattering and new hybrid models seem to be becoming a form of normality. Flexibility, a tailor-made approach, services, attractiveness and eco-responsibility: strong new demands are emerging and are making us think. How can we make employees want to come back to the office? What will the workspace of tomorrow look like?

Rethinking the working environment to adapt to new uses

Let's stay connected!

Join the REAAS Expertise community on your favourite networks.

Marie-Anne Morin

Marie-Anne Morin,

Founder of REAAS Expertise.

Marie-Anne Morin, a graduate of the ESSEC MBA program and with a background in commercial real estate, is one of France's pioneers in the field of flexible work spaces.

After several years in an international group, leader in business centres and coworking spaces, she co-founded a French coworking network in 2020, before creating REAAS EXPERTISE.

A specialist in profitability and process optimisation, she has managed coworking managers in all major cities in the regions, and trained sales and operational teams. As a reference coach for top managers throughout Europe, she has helped them to reflect on their strategy, develop their scope and make their portfolio more profitable.
She has opened more than thirty business centres and coworking spaces under several leading brands in the market. It has also participated in the integration of numerous sites in the context of takeovers.

For more than 15 years, she has been actively involved in the evolution of work spaces and working methods. Marie-Anne Morin participates in numerous conferences and writes in-depth articles on the subject.

By creating REAAS Expertise, it has chosen to support coworkers, landlords and large users in the deployment and optimisation of their sites. The aim is to promote collaborative work, well-being and performance of their teams and clients.

Her target? To accompany the transformation of work spaces in order to respond to the growing need for nomadic employees and new agile working methods.

A project?
A question?
Please contact us!

We study your project in complete confidentiality and offer you support tailored to your objectives.